I only had one baby, who was just a couple months old, I had just recently quit my job to be home full time, and had a husband who was balancing work with school, family and church responsibilities, and I knew that it was time for me to step-up and fully embrace my roll of wife and mother by becoming the epitome of perfection in every area that entailed. Sewing {fail}, baking {fail}, nursing my child {fail}, being all dolled up with dinner on the table at 5:00 when the Mr. came home {fail}, cleaning {pass-I LOVE to clean :) }, cooking {A for effort, but C- for quality}.
After a couple of months of me trying my darnedest to be what every 1950's woman could somehow achieve without batting an eye, and my husbands earnest attempts to be sweet and kind towards my cooking (he would often say during dinner, "this is really good, but I bet if you added a little bit of _____ next time, or just a teaspoon of ______, it would be perfect.") I was finally fed up and said, "Fine, if you think you can do it better than do it!" And so he did. (He is REALLY REALLY good too!) And from that moment on I have never cooked again.
Okay, like the random meals here and there if he can't cook dinner but let's be honest my meals typically consist of frozen lasagna's (hey don't knock 'em, Stouffer's knows what they're doing), frozen pizza's or McDonald's. I can also make a pretty mean quesadilla so... boo yah.
Now all that being said, there is ONE thing I cook that Mr. Sweet Love has never tried to take over from me, tell me to add anything to, or change it any sort of way. Yall should fell real cool that I'm about to share my one and only cooking talent with you-Bacon Wrapped Smokies. Meat on top of meat? Heaven on a toothpick is what they should be called.
If you take these to any function where men will be present these (and you) will be the HIT of the night. If you're single...ladies this will get you a man guaranteed! I've made these for Halloween parties, thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, SuperBowl, birthdays, and every party for my husband's work. And for summer BBQ's these would be the perfect addition! The original recipe is from Allrecipes.com, and here is my version with some step-by-step pictures.
1 lb bacon sliced into thirds
1 package (14 oz) beef cocktail wieners
brown sugar
First I pour the entire package of smokies into a ziploc bag (juices from bag included) and pour about a 1/4 cup of brown sugar on top. Shake the bag so the brown sugar coats all the smokies and put in fridge to marinate for at least an hour (sometimes I leave it overnight).
Next cut your bacon into thirds like shown. (I like to stick my bacon in the freezer about 15 min. before I cut it to firm it up a little because it is MUCH MUCH easier to work with when it's cold!)
Oh, and for as many times as I've done this, I've found that Hormel's Black label original bacon is the BEST kind of bacon to use (taste and ease wise) for this recipe.
Next, I take one strip of the cut bacon and lightly coat both sides with brown sugar.
Then I take one smokie and roll it up inside the bacon and place a toothpick through it to hold the bacon.
I put them all into a bowl and then drizzle the brown sugar marinade from the bag of smokies all over the wrapped smokies and let it sit in the fridge (covered) for a couple hours.
Set the oven to 325 and line a pan with foil (this makes clean up a snap!) and place the smokies evenly spaced on the pan. I then sprinkle just a {tad} more brown sugar over the tops of all the wrapped smokies and cook for 40 min.
I like my bacon crispy so when they're done cooking I kick the oven onto broil and let them cook about another 5 min to really crystalize that sugar and make them a dark golden, bubbly, brown!
If they're not going to be eaten right away, I put them in a crockpot on warm/lo to make sure they stay nice and tasty!
Please please make these, your bellies (and your husbands) will thank you! ha ha! That being said, you will {probably} never see another recipe on here again! Thank you SO SO SO much for checking out the Sweet Love over here today! I hope you're having a beautiful summer day wherever you are!!
haha I love your honesty. My husband cooks about 50% of the time and he's a great cook so I'm happy!
heaven on a toothpick indeed!! YUM!!
Whoa these look pretty fantastic :o)
Haha! I really love this post. :) You are so sweet and honest - and it honestly makes me feel good that I'm not the only one who has failures in the 1950's housewife prototype copy-cat. Ha! Anyway, these are fantastic. I agree that they would probably catch any single woman a man. ;)
Yummmy...this preggers momma could eat about 20 of those for sure :)
And....I too, have a husband that cooks most of our meals, he just likes to and it makes him happy, so who am I to stand in the way of his happiness, right?
I am laughing so hard! That was me in the laundry department! I hate to say this, but for the first time in 21 years, I put my hubby's clothes away for him! HE WAS SHOCKED!!!
Maybe you should try a crockpot recipe. HE would be amazed! NAHHH...wait until you have been married for at least 20 years... :}
These look awesome! My hubby always has guys over for football and these would work wonderful for them! Thanks for sharing :)
YUM!! You can to cook other things! But these really are so super tasty.
I only wish my hubs did the cooking. These look yum-o! Thanks for linking up with DIY under $5!
Holy SMOKE! Those look GREAT!
Thank you so much for sharing them at The 36th Avenue party.
PERFECT!!! This looks so good. I'm having a link party Cast Party Wednesday. This recipe would be a perfect addition. Would you come over and share some of your recipes with us?
I hope to see you there!
I love those bacon wrapped little bits of Heaven on a stick! Thanks for sharing at Pinkalicious Thursday and I wanted to let you know, that this Sunday, July 17th, I am hosting a new Linky party called Barter Bazaar!
Link up anything you have made that you want to barter for something else! FREE SHOPPING (except for a little postage I guess). Spread the word so we have lots of fun stuff to barter for !
I featured you today!!
Aren't those adorable! Anything with bacon has to be good :) I also wanted to invite you over to my cookbook giveaway that is going on right now. Today is the last day to enter so stop on by! Hope you are having a great week :)
How could I not feature these on Friday! Check out your feature on friday and come link up again. Thanks, from Mindie at Bacon Time
Hey there! I wanted to let you know I made these for my daughter's b-day party and oh my word!! they were great! I should have made 4 dozen more :) thanks for sharing....I'll be making these a lot!!
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