
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hippity Hop Hop Easter's on it's way!

We are in full gear for Easter over at my house (and have been for awhile-not gonna lie) so since I've showed you all...most...the projects I've done to decorate I'll show you how everything looks all put together. Drumroll please.....(drumrolls make everything more exciting right?!)


I showed you how to do the yarn wreath here, and the cute little bunny I bought from Hobby Lobby for less than $3 last year after Easter, but the bird's nest is a DIY project I saved especially for today!

You'll need 1 glass candy bowl (purchased at the $store-on .88 cent Tues yay!), 1 bag of moss (also from the $store-but you'll maybe use 1/4 of it...maybe), some spray adhesive, eggs of any kind (mine are from the dollar store) and if it pleases you, which it probably will,...a bird (mine was in a 2 pack at the $store). Sorry I don't have step-by-step pictures of this but it shouldn't be too difficult for you to figure out.

First flip your bowl over so the outside is facing up and spray your spray adhesive all over the glass. Place-via throwing, sprinkling, dumping or shaking-your moss on the glue till you can't see any glass peeking through.

Next flip the bowl over so the bowl part/inside of bowl is facing up and repeat process. I then grabbed several twigs, branches, etc from my yard and stuck them in throughout the nest.

Then lay a few eggs in the middle, your "tweet" little birdy on the edge (what is this craft world doing to my vocabulary?!), and you have your very own easy peasy bird's nest!

The JellyBean Topiary tutorial is here, but I just have to show you this cute little park bench I also found at the $store on .88 cent Tues.

I just love the soft, springy feel it brings to my otherwise BRIGHT decorations. And it really makes me want to go to the park. And sing. Why does it make me want to sing?

Let's move on...When I saw this crate, wodden box thingy I gasped. Out loud. For .88 are you kidding me? I bought 3. Why? Who knows, but someday, somewhere I will be glad I did. Another bird's nest? Why not!

The watering can I found at DI (thrift store) for $1 and filled it with some flowers I had stashed away in a box.

And what Easter decorating could be complete without Starburst Jellybeans? Have you tried these? Scrumptious. Your mouth will thank you for giving it some oh so Sweet Love.

And that's a wrap my friends. Whew. Tomorrow I'm off to the south for a week to be at the homecoming of my amazing sister who has been serving as a missionary for our church for the last 18 mo. in Paraguay! I'm so excited! I'll try to have a few posts pop up while I'm gone like maybe a sweet little project for the kitchen...

But if I'm MIA you'll know why! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Very cute! Great Dollar Store finds.

  2. Perfectly springy and FABULOUS!

  3. I thought I had already commented, but I guess I didn't. I love all your spring decor. You are amazing at finding a deal on ordinary stuff and making it into something adorable. I wish I had your talent. I'll just have to steal your ideas when I finally get a house to put stuff in :) Also, I wanted to say I am so excited for you to go "south" and see your family and Amanda!! I hope you guys have the best time. Welcome home Amanda!

  4. Um hello? Are you back yet! I an loving all this cuteness! Can't wait to see what's next! Anyway, I made your yummy chicken enchiladas tonight for dinner. It made me miss/think of you. Hope you had a great time in the sunny warm south.


Sweet Loves