
Monday, September 19, 2011

Up-Cycled Window

Just in case you missed it, I wanted to share with you the full tutorial of my window make-over I did for the girls over at J&M's Eye Candy last month since it's one of my favorite projects! Eeeek!

I literally squealed when I saw this beauty peeking out at me behind the lawnmower inside my neighbor's garage and could hardly keep my voice at one pitch level when I asked her what she planned to do with it (you know, if I sounded too excited she might decide to keep it it :) ha ha!).

She laughed and said, "Oh my gosh I found that forever ago at my FIL's farm and thought I might do something with it, but I'm not going to. Do you want it?" "Seriously?!" I half shriek, "I have been looking EV-ER-Ywhere for one!" (true story, I had.) It was cobwebbed, dusty, chipped and perfectly perfect in every way.

After a quick, but gentle, wipedown with just a damp cloth I spray painted her (all my projects are female) with a light coat of white spray paint.

I then sanded it down softly because I still wanted the wood to show through just a bit and wanted to keep the chipped look it already had. I tossed around the idea of going back over it with a stain to darken it up but I decided I just wanted it to look worn and well-loved, not necessarily antique.

L.O.V.E. the rust popping out here and there. I just think it adds the perfect amount of charm.

There really are SO SO SO many things you can do with an old window (and some ideas are noted at the end of this post), but for the space I was putting it in, for now:), I decided to go with some simple, single robe hooks from Home Depot in a bronze finish on the bottom of the window.

After the hubby hammered some picture frame hooks into the back of the window to hang it with...

...I decided it needed a little more love, so I used this Kidney Bean Wreath I made awhile back (tutorial can be found here) and hung it in the center of the window to give it some color and texture.

First I hammered a little nail into the top center of the window and then tied a bow (of which I have no idea how to explain-tying bows is not my thing) around the nail head for the wreath to hang. took me so long to tie the bow, poor Mr. Sweet Love fell asleep holding the window up for me :) ha ha!

And my first (cause I love this so much I'm pretty sure there will be a second and third :) ) up-cycled window was complete!

I love all the different lines and curves and colors and textures the window, hooks, beans and bow create together.

I really did love how it turned out but as it hung on the wall above the fireplace it just felt a little...sad. Like maybe it needed some words of encouragement...

Ha ha! Okay maybe not really, but I {heart} this quote and have been itching to find a place to include it in my home!

I thought the simpleness of the words would go perfect under this window and in my living room

Please tell me it works because I'm not sure I can live without it :)!

So for now this is how it sits. I think I change things so much because there are so many great ways to decorate/display things and I want to try them ALL! ha ha!

For example this is another idea I had...spelling out the word HOME. Or you could go super simple and just use a monogram for your last name in one of the open spaces.

These are a few more FUN ideas for old windows I found on Pinterest just for YOU. You're welcome. (okay I lied, this was totally for me) You can find these and more fun crafty ideas on my Pinterest Page!

Use scrapbook paper to create beautiful artwork.

My window no longer had the glass, but if you had one that did this would be SO pretty!

Use vinyl on the glass to share a message.

Create a message board.

Blown-up picture+window with lots of frames=COOLNESS!!!

Subway art on the glass pane of the window. So cute!

Thank you Thank you Thank you for popping over to see what's going on here today! I {heart} you mucho! Have a sweetly lovely day my lovelies!

Linking up to THESE parties as well as:

The DIY Show OffUndertheTableandDreaming


  1. I really love the word HOME in the panes of the window. So pretty. I love what you did with that window. I would love to do something with an old window, but, like you, haven't found any. But they are so fun!

  2. It turned out so well! Love how antique-y it looks!

  3. Turned out so FABULOUS! I really need to find me an old window!

  4. Your window is stunning and I love the bean wreath!! This weekend we were visiting our daughter at college. She's living in an old house on campus with friends and out back there were two, big, old windows propped against the garage. I casually asked if they were using them for anything. They said no and did I want them? Now what kind of a question is THAT!? Can't wait to figure out what to do with them -- love all of the ideas you posted!

  5. turned out so so so cute! Great quote too :o) I am so happy you finally found the perfect place for it!!! It is truly amazing!

  6. I got my mits on something like this, and I was just as excited as you were when you came across your windown. I am in the process of posting all of the pictures from our wedding, and can't wait to show off how we used our vintage pieces. Swing on over to our blog. They should be up soon!

  7. I love old windows! They are so much fun! I love how you hung a wreath on yours. I did that with mine also! Thanks for sharing all of the great window ideas! I have a party going on over at my blog if you want to join! I'd love to have you! Check it out under the "Stache Party" page on my blog:

  8. This turned out so nice! I love decorating with windows! Thanks for linking to Wicked Awesome Wednesday!

  9. This is amazing! I can't believe you made it look as awesome as it does. I am going to be on the look out for something like this. You have truly inspired me! I would love to have you share this at Show & Share!

  10. Love the window. I have been wanting to do something with an old window or ladder for so long. I love yours!

  11. This looks really great! I've been on the lookout for an inexpensive window as well. I just think they look so pretty & special! Yours is perfect!

  12. It looks great! And too funny that your hubby fell asleep holding it! lol

    I've had 2 old windows for a while now but they haven't made it up on the wall yet. Hopefully they will find a home once we move!

    Thanks for linking up to this week's Catch a Glimpse party. I shared this on AGI's FB page.

  13. Your window turned out gorgeous! I love the wreath and the words below it too! I also like the "Home" one. I can see this window looking great at Christmas too with a wreath or some Christmas words. Beautiful job. Loved all of the other options too!

  14. Your window turned out gorgeous! I love the wreath and the words below it too! I also like the "Home" one. I can see this window looking great at Christmas too with a wreath or some Christmas words. Beautiful job. Loved all of the other options too!

  15. Just wanted to let you know that I featured you today. Grab a button if you'd like!

  16. Your window turned out adorable!!! Thanks for sharing it on "Sundae Shake Up"! v

  17. Beautiful job, love the look of old windows!

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  18. Thanks so much for linking up to Your Whims Wednesday, I featured this on my blog tonight! Come check it out and grab a button :)

  19. What luck!! Seems like it was truly meant to be for you!! It turned out awesome!!
    Thanks for partying with us at Show & Share and congrats on being one of Lindsay's features! :)

  20. Your upcycle is amazing! =) We loved your project so much, we've featured you on our {{What I Made Wednesday} highlights! Stop by and grab a button. Happy Wednesday!


  21. Ok Miss Cuteness, I am in LOVE! I have a window, and I'm thinking you just inspired me! Thank you for this awesome idea! Ummm... that kidney bean wreath...AWESOME too! Looks perfect with the vinyl saying! See told ya, LOVE!

    Have a great day!

  22. Beautiful. LOL looks like something my hubby would do to, take a nap in the middle of craft time. Thanks for sharing at Bacon Time.

  23. You've written a really enjoyable post. I found you at Handy Man Crafty Woman. The wreath caught my eye. Love it.

    Hilarious photo of the sleeping hubby. That says it all. His patience, love and service, and your wanting everything to be just right.

  24. I agree, you are a great writer! This is a great redo. I love the hooks you added, you could do so much with those! Love it!

    PS I have a $50 cash giveaway going on at my blog this week. Come by when you get a chance! :)

  25. Such a cute idea! I would love to feature this on Reduce, Reuse, Upcycle. Your feature will go live Tuesday. Feel free to stop by and grab a featured button. Thanks!


Sweet Loves