
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thankful Thursday=GIVEAWAY!!!!

Today I am thankful for Y.O.U. That's right, every single one of my 200 and 2 followers! It is so fun to have an outlet. Someplace that I can share my creations, post inspiring ideas from other talented crafters, and write!

I started my family blog about 4 years ago and love keeping our family life in a journal-of sorts-for my kids to have and remember when they grow up, but I started Love Sweet Love just for myself. That sounds so selfish! ha ha! But it's true. I love to create and am so THANKFUL that there are people who enjoy what I do, and what I write, and I just think it's the biggest compliment in the world when someone becomes a follower of Love Sweet Love! I love doing this and wanted to thank you for taking the time to come check me out, leave me a sweet comment now and then and follow along on my journey, so I am SOOOO excited to host my 2nd giveaway today!!!!!

And I'm even more excited that I'm teaming up with Kristine and Britney from J&M's Eye Candy to bring you today's 200 follower giveaway! When Kristine approached me about providing the loot for today's giveaway I literally squealed with delight! They are a new blog out here in crafty blog-o-sphere but have totally been tearin' it up! You can also find them on facebook or uploading all sorts of GORGEOUS things to their etsy shop!

Today, J&M's Eye Candy has offered, to one of you LuCkY Love Sweet Love followers a chance to win your choice of one of these 3 bubble watches pictured below, as well as one watch face (a $25 value!!) I can't even tell you how much I wish I could win!!!

I love giving you lots of chances to win so here are some ways you can enter (and please leave a separate comment for each of your entrys)....
  • 1 entry for being a follower of Love Sweet Love (it's easy to follow along if you're not already-just click the button above the followers that says 'follow')
  • 1 entry for being a follower of J&M's Eye Candy (they post EVERYday!)
  • 1 entry if you tell me one of your favorite shows on tv. Mr. Sweet Love and I love to watch hulu together at night, but all our shows are over for the summer so we need some good ones to get into! It can be a past or present show-anything we could find on hulu or netflix!
This giveaway will be open through June 30th at midnight! A winner will be chosen and posted on Fri. July 1st! The good news doesn't just stop there...the fabulous Britney and Kristine have so kindly offered 10% off anything in their etsy shop to all Love Sweet Love readers, just use code LSWEETL10 at checkout!!!

Good luck! I'll be back later {tonight?} with my July 4th decorating post that was planned for yesterday-oops! :)


  1. Well hello there Angela Bricker! I'm excited to get the first entry!! You were one of my first cute followers, and I quickly joined your great blog. Such a fun giveaway!!

  2. My favorite show on TV is Chuck--have you watched that one yet? Definately worth checking out.
    I'll have to go check out the Eye Candy website. Fingers crossed I win!!

  3. I've got way too many favorite shows. My two tops though are probably "Castle" and "The Mentalist".

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Cute stuff! I like to watch "The Office". We also like to watch "Mr. Bean" on Netflix!

  6. You are so fun and amazing!! I have been a follower for a while now. LOVE IT!!!

  7. Okay, I am now a follower of J&M Eye Candy as well.

  8. Well, my favorite current TV show is Modern Family, but I'm sure you have already seen all of those. Ry and I are also loving the 80's sitcoms we find at the library. We just returned season 1 of Perfect Strangers. It's funnier than I remember from when I was a kid! I don't know if Hulu will have it, but maybe your library or Netflix will ;)

  9. Okay, now for TV shows. I feel like I'm in the same boat. I love hulu as well, but all the good shows are overwith. I do enjoy ColorSplash. It has all sorts of fun decorating ideas and use of color that's inspiring. Also, if you go to hulu, hit browse, then to go by genre, I like to choose Do It Yourself or Health and Fitness. I have enjoyed The Voice (the finals are next week). I like Food Network Star. Cook Yourself Thin was one I stumbled across. It has great advice of how to use substitutes in your cooking to lose some weight. Also Extreme Makeover Weight loss edition is neat. It follows someone with their weight loss journey through 1 year of their life during the 1 hour show. And MasterChef is pretty entertaining too. Well I guess with that list it seems like all I do is watch TV. (: Hopefully you'll find something!

  10. Hmm, I don't really have any shows I watch religiously, but I do like to watch 1000 Ways To Die (yes that sounds morbid but it's actually entertaining! My man and I get quite a kick out of some of the humor they throw into that show! If you're looking for something a little less creepy... I love those shows that flip houses! Any kind of home improvement type show is great, but a new favorite of mine is TLC's House VS Spouse! The husband does all the work and has the challenge of trying to create a space that the wife likes and the outcomes can be quite funny!! Plus it gives me my own home improvement ideas :) Hope you find some great new shows!

  11. We love watching Modern Family, even though we've seen them all a million times. One day Jon randomly started watching Top Gear on Netflix . . . It is strangely funny and addicting. And we started watching Breaking Bad, it is quite interesting.

  12. Hey there I forgot to mention I'm a follower of J&M's Eye Candy! ;) Thanks for posting this giveaway!

  13. ...So excited to be following your blog now too! YAY! Love your ideas and hope to read many more!

  14. Have you seen the new Franklin & Bash on TNT? FUNNY! I also am going to love the brand new show "Expedition Impossible" that started last night.

  15. I am a follower of Love Sweet love

  16. I am a follower of J&M's Eye Candy.

  17. My two favorite TV shows are White Collar and Psych.

  18. Your newest follower! PS- Come post your giveaway on my blog hop! :)

  19. TV Shows- If you haven't watched The Office yet, give it a try! We cancelled our Dish service and only watch Netflix now! LOVE IT! Oh, and Drop Dead Diva is funny too!

  20. Well, I am a follower of J & M's and will now be one of ur newest followers...Would love to win this... I guess that one of my fav's, now don't laugh, but this is something I watch to unwind and put me to sleep at King of the Hill. How funny is that? any hoot you are welcome to come follow me back and visit my owls at

  21. "Mr. Sweet Love" Told me you were close to being at 200 followers so I finally decided to make it official last week! (I have had a link to your blog on mine for quite a while now haha) Congrats!

  22. Also, mine and Kolby's favorite TV shows include NCIS, Monk and Psych :)

  23. i am a follower and would love to win!!

  24. i am also a follower of J & M's eye candy!!!

  25. my parents recently turned me on to AMC's "the Killing". Season 1 just finished and it will return with an all new season.

  26. These shows are all a bit similar, but I love Bones, Castle, and The Mentalist. The 2 shows I am watching this summer are Drop Dead Diva and Rookie Blue.

  27. I've been a follower for a while! SUPER CUTE BLOG!

  28. Offf course I am a follower of this AMAZING blog. Not to mention we are bloggin BFFs. :o) And I would be super excited to win!

  29. Anddd where do I start with my favorite shows.....I am super into watching series of shows instead of renting I am totally your girl for advice on this one.... although I have been known to watch quite a variety. Hubs and I are watching glee right't judge!!

  30. I follow You with GFC!

  31. I follow JM's Eye Candy with GFC!

  32. One of my favorite shows is NCIS! I love It! Thanks

  33. Let's see, favorite shows? I don't really get a chance to watch TV much, but Friends is one of my favorites, don't think it's on Netflix though. Oh, I love watching Hoarders, makes me feel like my house is super clean! lol

  34. I'm a follower, David and I are currently going through all the seasons of The Office. Love it!

  35. My favorite TV show is Grey's anatomy.

  36. I am a follower to Love Sweet Love :)

    Chalein Cox

  37. I am also a follower on J&M's Eye Candy :)

    Chalein Cox

  38. My husband works at the prison so we got onto this show on Netflix call Prison Break it is awesome I am hooked! Thanks for all the entry's

    Chalein Cox

  39. Hey Angela, I am a follower to J&M's eye candy!

  40. I am also a follower to your Love Sweet Love!

  41. We like Modern Family, I loved and miss Prison Break (and it's where I got the idea to name our newest Lincoln!), I also like Reba and have started watching Grey's Anatomy on Netflix while up for the midnight feedings...
