
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sweet Tute Tuesday-Blog Swap with Crafty Scrappy Happy

Once upon a time there was a blog named Love Sweet Love and a blog named Crafty Scrappy Happy. LSL thought CSH was SO cOoL and insanely talented so LSL left her a quick blog comment and CSH wrote her back the sweetest email! LSL knew from that moment CSH was going to be a great friend (I mean we both have a daughter named Kylee!-mine is the human type and hers is the canine type) and after a couple of back and forth emails she asked CSH to be her bloggy BFF to which CSH replied "of course!". And the rest is history. ha ha! Did you keep up with all that?!

I really am SO excited to have "met" Jaime through the blogging world and she really has become the sweetest friend and I am thrilled to be blog swapping with her today! And with that I'll let her TAKE IT AWAY...

Hello Love Sweet Love friends, I am so so so honored that I get to "meet" all of you today and take over Angela's blog for the day! I am Jaime from Crafty Scrappy Happy.
I am a crafty, DIY, girl on a budget who has become a crazy blogger because of the AMAZING people I have met via blogging! I just adore Angela, like really really can't say enough wonderful things about her and how much I wish she was my next door crafty neighbor/best friend forever.
I LOVE to drool over things that I wish I could spend a million dollars on and then make my own version (or at least attempt to)! I adore meaningful projects. I must note that I have started to dabble in furniture up-cycling—which is quickly turing into a new obsession of mine!! I also love to come-up-with-and-try new crafty “techniques” todays project is one of them!
Have I mentioned that I would LOVE SWEET LOVE for you to stop by my blog---I love making new blogging friends!
With out further ado here is my project for you today:
{Up-cycling glass bottles into vases/candle holders}
The total project takes about 10 min when you have all of the supplies collected!!! I love quick and simple!!!
Here is what you will need to make the vase/candle holder:
-old glass bottles
-nail polish remover
-cotton strong (I used the green yarn pictured below)
-a lighter or matches
-a sink full of cold water
-sand paper
Here is what you do:
-wrap the cotton yarn around your bottle 5-6 times, tie and cut ends.
-take the yarn off and dip in nail polish remover
-light on fire ****please please be careful****
-rotate bottle in circles as the yarn is on fire for about 20 seconds so that all parts of the bottle warm evenly
-submerge in cold water and watch the bottle parts separate
-use sand paper to smooth rough edges
Kind of a fun technique right?
And I like the beach-y message in a bottle feel to the project----my house is all sea inspired at the moment so i think I will for sure find a home for these fun glasses!
Buttt I couldn't just stop there.... because I am in LOVE with making my own candles and have been looking for a perfect container for my new lemon grass summer sent----trust me it is heavenly!
I got the wax and wicks from Swan Creek Candle Outlet---it makes buying candles super inexpensive when you make them! The entire container is $10 and it will make two small sized mason jars, but the smell is really what gets me!
**I am most definitely not trying to sell a type of wax, just wanted you to know what I used! :o)
This part seriously takes 4 min.
-One min. to secure the wick to the bottom of the jar-I used glue dots, but hot glue works great also
-3 min. to heat the wax and pour
{Then I just added an old candle holder I had up-cycled awhile back to give the candle different look--I just added a little hot glue to hold the jar and candle holder together}
{And this is where my little project sits in my house for now}
I just want to say thank you once again for letting me take over one of my favorite blogs today---it has been an honor!

I told you she was AWESOME! Her home literally looks like it walked out of a Home Living magazine-you have to go see! AND she's got a fantastic giveaway going on now for a coffee sack for all her followers, don't miss out!

Head on over to Crafty Scrappy Happy NOW to see what project I did for her blog! Here's a little hint:

Tomorrow I've got some 4th of July Decorations to share with you, I think my house is finally ready for the 4th! See ya then!


  1. Awesome project! I have some soda bottles I want to do something with and this is a great idea! Thanks for sharing. Off to check out Jaime's blog and your tutorial!

  2. Great job Jaime!! So wonderful, I'm so impressed!

  3. Oh, my word...that is really cool! It sounds kind of dangerous...but I think that's why I like it so much...hehehe I will be giving this a try for sure!
    So great to see two of my faves in one place! Hope you ladies are having a great week!

  4. What a cool technique! Thanks so much for sharing it here!

  5. So do you wrap the cotton back around the bottle after it has been soaked in nail polish remover? I'm pretty sure that I'm just not reading it right but I wanted to double check before I burn my house down LOL!!! Great project and love both of these blogs!!!!

  6. Oh wow, that is SO cool! I've never seen that glass cutting technique before. I love what you did with it... looks fabulous!

  7. Thank you SO SO SO much my wonderful friend for letting me hang out at your blog! I am so honored! You are the best!

  8. I'm with Jamie on probably not reading this right. LOL Once you tie the cotton thread around the bottle, do you slide it off, soak, then slide it back on? Wouldn't the nail polish be all over the bottle sliding it back on? Can't wait to try this. I have some jugs just waiting to be upcycled.


Sweet Loves