
Monday, May 30, 2011

Winner Winner Winner!!!!

We do things the old fashion way around here, so our winner was chosen straight out of a hat! Watch the video to see if that winner is you!

For those who may not be able to watch the video for whatever reason, Love Sweet Love's first giveaway winner was Megan King! Yay Megan! Email me your address and we'll get those cards sent to you ASAP!

Also, congrats to Kelly Massman who was the winner of the cards over on CherylJuneGirl's blog!

Thanks to all those who participated, this was SO fun and I can't wait to have my next giveaway! I was going to do it when I reach 200 followers, but I don't know if I can wait that long!

I hope everyone's having a lovely Memorial Day weekend! We're off to the zoo for now, but I'll see ya back here tomorrow for a fun tutorial for our Sweet Tute Tuesday! You can find All About Me Monday here.


  1. Congrats to the winner! And, oh my, what a cute video! "Am I the winner??" LOL, so sweet!

  2. LOL "Am I Megan?" I love that kid.

  3. Congrats to the other winner! This is such a fun thing to win! :-)

  4. Congrats to Megan!! Gotta LOVE SWEET LOVE that cute video!! *Congrats to Kelly, too!

  5. I can't believe I won! I never win blog contests! And having Tyler announce me as the winner made it all much sweeter. I love how he asked if he was Megan...dang cute kids Angela!

    Well, I can't wait for my wonderful cards! My email address is

    Thanks so much!!!

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  8. Awhhhhh your little ones made my night they are SOOO cute!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh!!!! Now lets hurry up and get you 200 followers so you can do another giveaway :o)


Sweet Loves