
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thankful Thursday-First ER visit

Today I am SOOOOO thankful for healthy children. I think too often we take for granted health as we go about our typical days of diaper changes, making meals, playing legos, dress-up and having tea parties. I think at times I can be overwhelmed by the tasks of my day and forget to be grateful for EVERY part of my children-even the tantrums, the meltdowns, the bickering and the defiance's. :) Because even though hearing my daughter scream non-stop at the top of her lungs because she can't have a popsicle for breakfast can be frustrating, it means that she is alive and healthy!

Today, my sweet little baby girl (2 1/2 yr. old) had her first trip to the ER today.

It rained for quite awhile this morning and while we were running across the parking lot from our car to the sidewalk Mr. Sweet Love, who was holding my little sweetie, slipped on the sidewalk and fell. She arched her back and flew right out of his hands directly to the concrete below (about a 3 ft fall) and smacked the back of her head on the ground. It was all we could do to keep her awake for the next hour and then she took about a 20 min. nap. She was awake off and on for the next hour and then woke up vomiting. We called our doctor's office who said to take her into the ER if she vomited again. About a half hour later she vomited again and since she had been extremely lethargic during the times she was awake we decided to go ahead and get her checked out.

After a chat with the doctor, a couple pokes and prods, and a CT scan the verdict was: Mild Concussion. (She was terrified during the scan and it made me SO sad! I hated seeing her so scared, but she was brave and stopped crying after I told her a few times to just look into my eyes and hold my hand. I think I needed to hold her hand as much as she needed mine.)

It wasn't severe enough that we had to leave her overnight at the hospital to be monitored, but the doctor did advise bed rest for the next 24 hours. And to wake her up every couple hours throughout the night to make sure she responds and wakes up! As of right now she is doing GREAT (watching Scooby Doo and eating a banana as we speak :) ) so I think we have every reason to be optimistic!

Moral of the story...never take for granted the health, happiness and love of your children or those you love. My dear friend Jaime from Crafty Scrappy Happy recently shared this quote on her blog and I think it fits my situation perfectly-
Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are...

Thank you for coming over and sharing a little of my day with me! I appreciate all of your sweet, kind comments and wish you a very normal, treasure filled day! :)


  1. Ohhh that just breaks my heart. Little babies are not supposed to get hurt like that! Poor girl! It sounds like she did amazingly well and was super brave though. That is so hard to be forced to realize that we can be hurt/get hurt... Ahhh it is so so so important to appreciate health-you are so right! And to treasure every little healthy moment! :o) Feel better Little Kyliee!

  2. Oh my goodness, how scary! I'll be saying some prayers for her and you too is so hard to see our babies hurt! I am so glad she is okay!

  3. That is so sad. I can never deal with taking my children to the doctors. I get way too worked up! It is so scary when all is not well with our babes!

    I am happily following your sweet blog!


  4. Oh no!! So sorry! Poor thing! Glad everything was ok.

  5. Oh, poor little lady. I'm glad she's doing well. How scary for all of you! I am definitely grateful for my family's health. So many daily blessings, thanks for the reminder.

  6. Oh my goodness, Angela! I'm so sorry about that! :( How scary! I bet your husband was pretty shaken up, too - that has got to be the most awful, panic-stricken feeling.
    So glad your little sweetie is OK!

  7. OH My! What a terrible thing to happened! So glad the little sweetie is ok! Hugs and kisses for baby and you!

  8. Oh, what a scary time! ER visits with kids are the worst. Been there, done that. So glad that she's doing better. LOVED the part where you had her look into your eyes to calm her. Brought tears to mine! Thank you for sharing your heart.

  9. Oh Angela, that is sooo scary! I'm glad she is okay!

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Sweet Loves