
Friday, June 24, 2011

Feature Friday

Today I'm a little sad. Okay a lot sad. We just finished packing up my best friends house and waving goodbye to her and her family for their move to a new home. I'm so happy for the opportunity they have to move into a brand new beautiful home, that they have found great employment for her husband and that they will start a new adventure, but I will miss her and her little princess (who is the same age as my daughter) SO much!

Having a husband in school for awhile now, we've had our fair share of goodbye's to close friends, but this is the first time that it's not just me that will be sad. My little ones are in love with my bestie and she is the first person they want to share exciting news with and she loves them almost as much as I do! Life will be more different than I care to imagine without her here and I hate this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach knowing our relationship will not ever quite be the same as it has been. We'll miss you Mimi!!!

Onto happier things (cause goodness know I need it today!) I'm thankful for these projects that gave me a little pick-me up this week! Check out these beauties some of my followers are doing!

How fabulous are Charcoal and Crayons Seashell stars?! These would look great just about anywhere so I'll definitely be looking for cool seashell's next time we're at the beach!

I love The Gunny Sack's Family Wall hanging! I always think to use vinyl lettering for projects like this, but I love LOVE the method she used-go see!!

"Facelifts" is one of my current craft obsessions-I'm not sure my garage can take any more thrift store golden finds!!-so naturally I was in love with My Wonderfully Made's table facelift!

Here's another beautifully done up-cycled project! Redefining C's Escape sign makes my heart go pitter-patter!! I love the hint of blue throughout that just makes me want to...escape! Gorgeous!

I would give just about anything to have a craft room and I am DETERMINED to see that happen sometime in my life! ha ha! You HAVE to go see the amazing job Sew Woodsy did constructing these Modular Shelves in her craft room. This would be pretty much exactly what my ideal craft room would look like. Love it!

Thanks so much for stopping in, make sure to stop by these awesome blogs and leave them some Sweet Love! Have a great weekend everyone, I'm headed off to the sunny warm-ok HOT-city of St. George UT for the coming week but I'll be posting lots while I'm gone-including a fun guest post on Mon that I promise you will NOT want to miss!!


  1. Saying goodbye is always tough! Hugs to you!

    P.S. I LIVE IN ST. GEORGE!!!!! Small world ;)

    We’ve awarded you A Lovely Blog Award. You can check it out here:

    Hope you have a great weekend! :)

  2. good-byes stink. BIG HUGS and yeah...I'll be able to give you them in person today! LOVE all these projects you have shared and you are going to teach me how to do them ALL when you are here (*including how to use a saw)

  3. saw you from congrats on your lovely blog award!!!
    love your blog too, it is so stinkin cute!!

  4. I love that Family frame thing! Normally I would just scroll down thinking, oh, great idea to put your vinyl lettering on a glass frame like that, but you got me interested when you mentioned it was a different method. So I went over to her blog to see how she did it. I LOVE it even more! I don't have all that fancy vinyl letting equipment but I can certainly buy a paint pen! I'm excited to try it out sometime. Thanks for sharing!!

  5. Thanks so much for the feature and for sending some lovely people my way! Your distressed wooden flag is so cute...perfect for the 4th!!

  6. I feel for you . . . I remember many of these types of 'good-byes' throughout the years. While the friendship will not be exactly the same, it will be someone you can stay connected with throughout your lifetime and VISIT when you can! I'm sorry for the sadness but hope you'll find someone maybe in the same situation as you and be able to be a friend to them.

  7. I have no words that seem fit but love you lots :( please give those sweet love babies kisses from mimmi every day!




Sweet Loves