
Friday, June 17, 2011

Feature Friday

I'm so sorry that these features are going to be quick today! I had an eventful day with bad news of an upcoming root canal-which I may or may not be in attendance to if I faint on the doorstep of the dentists' office beforehand. Yikes! Anybody else ever have to go through this?? I'm terrified!

Onto better news...these FANTASTIC projects my followers are doing!

J&M's Eye Candy Strawberry Flags looks scrumptious!! I can't wait to make these for the 4th of July party we're having!

Sweet Peas and Bumblebees sharks in the pool is such a fun idea that my kids would think was SO awesome!

I love Moore Babies patriotic wreath and the idea she had to add flags to the center-perfection!

How sweet is this Butterfly Kissing Ball Inspired by Giving created?! I made a few of these for valentines day, but how perfect to add a little butterfly to one for spring. Simply beautiful!

And now a little shout out to these ladies for trying their hand at the bean balls I made a couple weeks ago! Thanks for sharing them with me ladies, I'm so excited to feature you!

Thrifty 101 made some in the same colors I used, didn't she do a fantastic job!

And Flour Blossoms created a set in Red, White, and Blue for the 4th of July! So festive!

Thanks to all you ladies for your inspiration and for being a follower of Love Sweet Love and a thanks to all of you for being here today! Have a GREAT weekend and a HAPPY fathers day! See you back here Monday okay?!


  1. Thank you for the feature!! We feel honored to be a part of such talented work!! Rock on everyone!! Have a great weekend!!

  2. P.S. Root canals aren't too bad... esp with laughing gas (wink wink), and also wanted to let you know we gave you a shout out on our FB page. J&M's Eye Candy ;)

  3. love, love, LOVE all these great projects!!

  4. Love the strawberry. I bought strawberryies to make strawberry shortcakes, but many have my strawberries have dissappeared while in the fridge!

  5. Love the strawberry. I bought strawberryies to make strawberry shortcakes, but many have my strawberries have dissappeared while in the fridge!

  6. I love the red white and blue ones so fun!

  7. I just had to have a root canal too. Do you think something in Logan is rotting our teeth? I hate the dentist more than anything. I think I'd rather be pregnant and go through labor than go to the dentist. A root canal was really not as bad as I thought it was going to be. Getting my wisdom teeth out was definitely worse. Do you have to get a crown too?

  8. Yep, crown too :(. But I think they're doing that at a separate appointment. Bobby's pretty excited to come and watch me get all kooky on the laughing gas. jerk. :)

  9. AWW! Thank you so much for the feature! I'm honored! I LOVE those bean ball things. So cute!!! That will be my next home decor project for sure!

  10. Thank you SO much for the made my day! (: I LOVE your blog!!!! And don't worry about the root canal, it will be over before you know it! Positive thoughts will be coming your way!


  11. Thanks for the feature! I found a cute little oval basket to display them in. I kept all my beans.....still thinking of filling that vase with smaller balls. :) Thanks for sharing such a fun/easy idea!

  12. Thanks for the feature!!
    Ouch, good luck!


Sweet Loves