
Sunday, May 22, 2011

100 Followers=Giveaway!

Six weeks ago I opened up the doors of Love Sweet Love to the world. This was a place I could share the fun, new, and sometimes crazy creations I whittled away the hours of naptimes, bedtimes, and endless rainy days with. My family blog was starting to get a little too craftilious so I stole another little corner of the online universe so that my family blog could be left alone and I could showcase a little of me without feeling guilty. I am SO excited (and flattered and nervous and so stinkin' happy!!!) that there are so many others out there that want to follow along with me on my crafting journey-with little tidbits of my family thrown in here and there; afterall I can't do anything I love without them inevitably being a part of it-so I want to CELEBRATE! (big surprise! ha ha)

I want to CELEBRATE YOU for supporting me and for following along! So for all of you 100 followers (holy cow! EEK!) this giveaway is for YOU!

For my first ever giveaway here on Love Sweet Love, I have teamed up with the crazy talented, crazy beautiful, crazy inspirational Cheryl Nelson from CherylJuneGirl

She is a scrapbooker extraordinaire-as in one of the 10 finalist in Creating Keepsakes Scrapbooker of the Year-2007, a card making icon, a published designer in numerous scrapbooking magazines, a member (past and present) of several different scrapbook design teams, oh and most importantly...she's my mom. I know. Do I have a lot to live up to or what? She will be giving away, to ONE of you lucky winners, TEN of her hand-designed cards. Here's a very small sampling of her incredible work!

You HAVE to go visit her blog to see the amazing thing's she's capable of! Her Holiday cards especially are To. Die. For. Her cards blow me away and I'm pretty lucky to be able to be the recipient of many of them! So here's how YOU can be the lucky one this time!

**Since this giveaway is to celebrate my 100 followers you get one entry for being a follower! (If you're not already, join the ranks! If you are already (thanks!) tell me in the comments)
**you can receive an additional entry if you follow CherylJuneGirl (tell me if you do so in the comments)
**and one more entry if you tell me something you're celebrating this week in the comments!

So that's a total of 3 entries you can have! This giveaway will be open till next Sunday (5/29) at midnight. The winner-who will receive 10 cards (which cards will be a surprise picked out especially for you by Cheryl!!!) will be announced the following Monday morning. Go Go Go! (and good luck!)

{Giveaway Closed}


  1. Hmmm, celebrating this week?? Well... our 11 month anniversary was yesterday! :)

  2. I've never followed a blog before so this is fun! I'm a follower!! And this week I am celebrating... having clean carpet! We got it cleaned last week but this week is the celebration. :)

  3. I am a "Sweet Love" follower! Cute cute cute stuff here!

  4. I am finally going to celebrate my 2 year old's 2nd b-day. It may be late, but hey, at least it will happen!!

  5. I follow Cheryljunegirl! I LOVE that polka dot card. I've never had the patience to make beautiful cards...I could never give them away! Thanks for the fun contest

  6. Ok, I'm officially a follower of you. How come I never new your Mom was such a scrapbooking genious? I am also a follower of her now. And we are celebrating in a major way. My Husband finished his first year of medical school. Just 3 more to go.

  7. I am a follower of your blog... adorable!

  8. Ironically enough, this week we are celebrating my niece, Carson's, first birthday! Love First Birthdays!! So fun!!

  9. I'm a follower of your cutest ever blog!

  10. This week we are going to head down to Ephraim to celebrate Scandinavian Days. Don't knock it, it's awesome.

  11. I'm already a follower of your mom's blog too =)

  12. I'm celebrating having gone to the gym this morning!

  13. i'm already a follower of your FAB momma

  14. I feel slightly retarded but I couldn't figure out how to follow your blog (I clicked on "do as i'm doing" and nothing happened)

  15. I'm proudly celebrating that I've made it 7 weeks with 3 children - I'm honest when I say, I didn't think I'd make it this long!

  16. I am so completely an adoring follower!!!! I would love to win your drawing! And I would have to say that I am celebrating living in the same state as my husband once again!!!! :o) Congrats on having 100 followers---I bet you will have 1000 in no time!

  17. I'm a new follower! Would love to win some of these works of art! Congrats on 100 followers!

  18. We're celebrating our oldest child's college graduation this Saturday!

  19. Oh my goodness! Those cards are gorgeous! So much talent :)

    I recently became a follower and am happy to be here :)

  20. And this week, we are celebrating my oldest daughter's last day as a 2nd grader, and mommy's last day of having any free time at home.

  21. I also follow Chery June Girl,

  22. I AM ALSO CELEBRATING 100 FOLLOWERS!! That is so cool that we are celebrating the same thing. Come check out my giveaway!

  23. I'm following you now! I love those cards. I'm a passionate scrapbooker but am usually not very good at cards!

    thanks also for a chance to win!

  24. Blogger is acting up on Cheryl's blog, but she is in my reader!!!
    thanks also for a chance to win!

  25. Also, I am totally celebrating the beginning of summer break!!!
    thanks also for a chance to win!

  26. Crafty, Scrappy, Happy sent me your way...I love everything here and I see why your blog has grown so quickly! I am so, so, so happy to be your newest follower!

  27. And...I'll be celebrating having a three day weekend with my beautiful family :)

  28. I am a new follower of yours!! I am sooo glad I stumbled upon your blog. I have read it ALL tonight while waiting for my hubby to come home from work. You have such great, inexpensive ideas!!!

  29. I am now following your Mom's blog too! You two are amazingly talented! I'm so glad I found you both!!

  30. This week I am celebrating my daughter's 3rd birthday. She's the most amazing gift in the world and I am so lucky to be her Mom.

  31. This week I am celebrating finally getting a day off... it's been over 5 months so I am ready for some R&R - thanks for such a fun giveaway the cards are amazing!

  32. Congratulations on reaching 100! You will hit your next milestone before you know it! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  33. This is your old friend Megan Anderson and I'm a follower. I love your projects and hearing you explain them all! It is so fun!

  34. celebrating this week? only a week left until I go to TX to see my mom!

  35. And now I follow your mom's blog too. I'm so impressed that she is has a blog and the beautiful cards she makes!

  36. I am a new follower!


  37. I am celebrating my baby turning 7months this week! Time flies.

