Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Sweet Tute Tuesday-Family Rules Canvas

Whew! Did everybody survive the 4th of July?! I L.O.V.E. that holiday, but I have to say I am glad it's over and there won't be another holiday to plan for awhile! We hosted a party (for a couple of the blocks in our neighborhood) and were up to the wee hours of the morning this morning-but it was SO worth it!

For our Sweet Tute Tuesday I wanted to share one of my absolute favorite projects that I've ever done! They are our Family Rules/Values Canvases.

I actually did these last summer, but I wasn't blogging then so I thought I'd share the tutorial now! These canvases were all over blogland last year and the one I first saw was on my friend MaryBeth's blog here.

Okay so I'll give you a short little step-by-step for how I went from this (old pantry doors for $4 from DI):

... To this!

First we started out by sawing the doors in half so I could use the bottom of the doors as my canvas.

Ready to go "canvases"

Top of the pantry doors that are awaiting me for another project I have in the works...

Then we sanded down the doors and spray painted them a pretty bright yellow (the yellow paint I had left over from my tiered planter project.) It's actually a slight shade brighter than I wanted but the original wood was so dark we had to do an extra coat to cover it, but I think the paper we added tones it down a little.

While Mr. Sweet Love did the "manly" work, I picked out matchy scrapbook paper (which my mom had brought down for when she came for a visit) and printed out the rules and values in adorable fonts I found for free here. (This took me the longest out of the whole project because I'm SO indecisive!) And then Mod-podged them till they begged for me to stop. Okay really Mr. Sweet Love did this part too b/c I kept getting bubbles in the paper and the perfectionist in me was dying.



We finally agreed on a spot to hang them...

They now sit above our kitchen table in the dining area. The picture of the temple/family proclamation was above the table before and is now off to the right which we had to do for sizing issues. They were longer and narrower than I was originally planning on making them (each panel is 12 inch. wide and 35 inch. long) so we had to adjust some things, but I think they turned out perfectly! And I love having the temple on the other wall which was blank before.

In case you can't read all the rules from the picture, I listed them below. Some are borrowed, most of them are my own.

~Learn from your mistakes
~Sing silly, dance crazy, tickle lots, laugh loudly
~Mind your manners
~Family comes first, always be there
~Make messes...and then clean them up
~Hands are for hugging not for hitting
~Laugh instead of cry
~Obey your parents
~Husband-Adore your wife always Wife-Love him forever
~Speak Kindly
~Stand for Truth and Righteousness
~Snuggle Mommy, Wrestle Daddy
~Hug, Kiss and Say I love you every day
~Pray Always
~Don't grow up too fast

Values up close:

*Total project cost: $4 (doors were $4, paint was left over from previous project, scrapbook paper was from my mom, mod podge and paint brush I've had forever, nails to hang already had...and that's it)

Story behind the rules/values:
I was sitting in the mall play area and there were very few kids playing so my little sweet loves had lots of room to run around and play and they were so happy. Just truly happy, carefree and loving every moment of there simple, wonderful life and as I watched them I thought, this is what it's all about. This is what childhood should be. It should be full of laughter, and smiles, and happiness, and enjoyment. And in this moment of inspirational, uninterrupted, bliss I pulled out a half-gnawed on pen and an old receipt and began to write down the things I wanted to have as rules in our family. What values I wanted our children to grow up with. Things we could see everyday and be reminded of-even as adults. And so, the Rules and Values were born. And I could not be happier with the way everything turned out. I giggle every time I walk past them in our kitchen and give myself a little pat on the back for the good work Mr. Sweet Love did. :)

Thanks for spending some time with me today, I love having you here!!!

Linking up to these parties as well as:
Beneath the Rowan TreeUndertheTableandDreaming


Francis said...

I liked, very beautiful!

Tammie said...

What an awesome idea! I loved this. My daughter's teacher used to have values posted up on her classroom walls for the children to memorize. I always loved that teacher. But they were just plain paper and never looked this beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

cnelson said...

You know I LOVE SWEET LOOOOVE this project!!!

Tabitha@InspiredByGiving said...

very cute!! I think I might have to steal this idea too!!! So cool!

Amanda said...

They both look great, love the 'snuggle mommy wrestle daddy'! I really want to make something similar for my family, thanks for sharing.

annies home said...

cute love it how they were lovingly made

Aaron & Jayme said...

Adorable! Can't wait to see what you do with the top half of those doors! :)

Sheila said...

These are awesome. What a creative idea and wonderful reminder for your family. Thanks for sharing.

Handy Man, Crafty Woman said...

Great re-do! They look so pretty over your table! Thanks for linking to Handy Man, Crafty Woman Wicked Awesome Wednesday!

Tasha Anderson said...

What a sweet and inspiring project.
I host a Pinkalicious Thursday Blog Party every week and would love for you to join the fun!



Desiree @ The 36th AVENUE said...

Soooo cute! i'd love for you to share it at my link party.

jess@balancing the dream said...

New Follower here!! :) I LOVE this project!! you did such a great job! I love the colors, the pattern, the size...everything is perfect! thanks for sharing!

Tasha Anderson said...

Thanks for joining the party! It's every Thursday Rain or Shine, pink or no pink... I Just Love this project!
I joined your blog too!

Carmella said...

I love this project so much! And those fonts....I see why you had a hard time picking them out, there are so many fun ones to choose from! Thanks for the link and thanks for sharing this fun project!

Anonymous said...

turned out so nice! such a coincidence, I'm doing a similar project just now. Not exactly the same, but a close cousin to yours. Hope mine turns out as nice, fingers crossed xoxo

The Freckled Optimist said...

I love this idea, I really need to try something like this. Thank you for the inspiration!

Just Made That Way said...

Wow I love these, you did such a fantastic job.

Have a Great weekend

Delightful Deets said...

I love everything about these...the colors, all the values, the rules, and that you put them in a spot where they will easily be seen! I will have to try something like this! Thanks for sharing!
Modern Wivelyhood

Unknown said...

These are beautiful! What a great way to reuse your cabinets. Love the colors you chose to make your values and rules fun and functional! Hope you will share with my Pink Hippo Party @ http://pinkapotamus.blogspot.com/2011/07/pink-hippo-party-37.html

Erin of HomeSavvyAtoZ.com said...

Great idea. Inspiring and pretty!

Brit said...

Your talent and creativity always blows me away. These are beautiful! Thanks for sharing them with us on our link up party! We always love when you come to party with us ;)

Karima said...

They look really good hanging on the wall.Now google and pinterest following you, please pop by, Karima x

Kirsten @ Mushki Loves said...

Hey cute stuff! I am so loving these! I'm thinking I need some!

Jami said...

Hey Angela!
Thanks for linking up your lovely cnavases at the Tuesday To Do Party last week! They are just precious!
I'm trying to get caught up after finally getting my commenting issues resolved!
Have a great week!

Adrienne said...

I love these!!

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