Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday

Every Thursday will be a thoughtful or thankful post! It could be a quote I like, a little tidbit of wisdom I learned that week, or something I'm particularly thankful for that week. Whatever I share, it's my hope that it will be inspiring. Something that makes me want to be a better person.

A dear friend of mine shared this particular message with me several months ago and it was one of the reasons I gained the courage to start Love Sweet Love! I just recently saw the video floating around bloggy world and wanted to share it for my first Thoughtful Thursday since it's part of the reason I'm here. I love this message that everyone, ANYone, can CREATE.

Have a beautiful day today! Go CREATE something beautiful-even if it's just a SmIlE! Thanks for stopping by!


Isa said...

Hi! Do you believe in coincidence? Go check my blog, it's my second week for the give thanks thursday challenge:)

Love it!

Chef in Training said...

LOVE this! Thanks for sharing! I am so happy I stumbled across your blog! I am your newest follower and would love it if you would come check out my blog and follow me too! thanks!

Megan said...

Thank you for sharing something that inspires you! I enjoyed it too :)

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